The Church Is Salvation
The book is divided into chapters, and each chapter is further divided into short essays, each touching on the major theme of that particular chapter from a distinct perspective. It is an interesting writing style, to say the least; and the result is an aesthetically unique, and compelling cumulative case argument against Christianity... If you want to know how this can be so (given that the author is a Christian), you'll have to buy the book. To give you a taste of his writing, Let me quote at length one of his essays:
"Salvation is not a stuff that one can get, whether through the Church, or through some other means. It is not an ether floating in the air, nor a 'thing,' nor some kind of 'substance.' 'Salvation' describes fallen creation reconciled to God, restored to its created purpose, and set on a trajectoryleading to its eschatological fulfillment. Ultimately, 'salvation' will describe the creation as a whole, once it is restored to God and glorified (Rom. 8:18-25). Grammatically, 'salvation' is a noun; theologically, it is always adjectival" (32).
Mmm, Mmm. That is good stuff. Any thoughts?
The postmill Gospel is very refreshing. Peter seems very honest. I am thrilled to have one of his parishoners actually locate my church to visit, this comming Sunday. Not that any of my old pastors were morons, or anything, but I always wonderd what it would be like to be discipled by a guy like Leithart. I guess I'll have to buy more of his stuff...ahh, the beauty of the internet!!
So did you have a nice meeting with Leithart's parishoners? By the way, when did you start your church?
Yes, it happened to be an elder from his church. He used to be a member at Wilson's church (Liethart’s church is a plant from Wilson’s). But, anyhow, he and his family seem like some of the greatest people. You could tell they were different; the way they worshiped, conversed, and what their interests are. It makes me want to move out to their church.
I started this church two months ago. It looks like it is going well, but I need another tent-making pastor to help. If we umbrella under someone, tent-making may change, but I don't want to give up certain parts of my theology to do that. We'll see. This is a nice area, believe it or not. But no one Reformed has planted out here. It's only 2 hours from San Diego...yes from Westminster. You would think that one of those graduates would have spotted the opportunity. It is a bit more difficult out here, though. We have "snow birds" that leave for 3 to seven months a year, and we have military that sometimes only stay for two or three years at a time. But...see...I still can't find, in the WCF, where these kinds of places are to be excluded.
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