Where Do We Go From Here?

My thoughts on Tuesday at noon:
The Church is so divided at present. How in the world is God going to put this thing back together?
Anglicans, Baptists, Catholics, Disciples of Christ, Evangelical Free's, Fundamentalists, Greek Orthodox...
At present, some people are frustrated and disillusioned because the evangelical church movement has become stagnant and traditional, and thus they want to emerge (I'm not necessarily referring to the emergent movement here) from it in a fresh and new way. "Let's think outside the box; no rules, except the rule that there are no rules... and of course we have to be relevant, authentic, transparent, and missional."
Others (like myself) are frustrated and disillusioned because the evangelical church movement has broken away from the historic church in so many areas (for many of the same reasons the aforementioned are now breaking away from evangelicalism), and now finds itself with no foundation, nor the ability to see the necessity of a foundation. "Ours is the tradition of rejecting tradition, and we've been doing it that way for fifty years now. By the way, aren't those liturgical churches boring and empty? And I'm pretty sure they're all going to hell anyway, because they never have an alter call; nor do they ever encourage people to 'pray the prayer.'"
I am left feeling helpless. I want to be a part of the solution; I want to be used by God to reunite the catholic Church. But how?
Where and when did these divisions begin?
Is it a product of the reformation?
Yes, it began around the reformation. But I would consider it more of a byproduct than a product; a very unfortunate and unintended consequence.
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