Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Getting to Know Me

The following excerpt was taken from my application to Reformed Theological Seminary, where I am currently working (very slowly) on an M.A. in Religion. The bold font is a question taken from the application, and what follows is my response. I put this here simply to help you get to know me...

Please type a comprehensive account of your conversion, your Christian experience, your church life, your relationship to the Lord Jesus Christ, and your Christian ministry experience in or outside the church.

I was born into a faithful Christian household, and was consequently raised being thoroughly indoctrinated with a Christian and biblical worldview. As my parents raised me, I gradually began to recognize my sinfulness and helplessness before a holy God, and that I could not save myself from the wages of my sin. I repented of my sin, and recognized my need for forgiveness-- which could only be granted through faith in Jesus Christ, who lived a sinless life and died on the cross for my sins, and was raised on the third day, thus conquering sin and death, and paying the penalty for my sin and redeeming me. Admittedly, I was not able to articulate these truths in this manner as a youth, but as I grew in Christ because of my parents' dedication to teach and train me in the way that I should go (with the assistance of the church and through the power of the Holy Spirit), I continued to understand more fully the truths of Christianity.

I spent the first 11 years of my church life at Grace Community Church under the teaching of Pastor John MacArthur. This church grounded me solidly in the fundamentals of the faith, and I am forever indebted to the pastors and Sunday school teachers there. Upon entering middle school my family moved to Seattle, Washington, where we began attending Kent Covenant Church. It was at this church that I was challenged doctrinally in a number of areas, which forced me to study deeply and think clearly about my faith. Although the pastors and I rarely resolved theological questions, I feel this time was very beneficial for me as it forced me to question, "Why should I believe what I believe?" After High School I moved back to Southern California and attended Azusa Pacific University, where I was part of a number of traveling musical ensembles which ministered in semi-local churches every Sunday morning and evening. Consequently, I was unable to attend any particular church fellowship, but I did make it a point to visit my original church home (Grace) whenever I had a Sunday off. Upon graduating from college, I immediately was called to Redwood Chapel Community Church, where I served as Director in Music Ministries for five years. Redwood Chapel is a nondenominational, conservative, broadly evangelical church in Northern California. In May of 2003, the senior pastor offered me the position of Pastor of Children's Ministries, where I have been serving ever since. Being surrounded by fellow pastors who fervently desire to love God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength, has encouraged me to continue reading, studying, and growing-- seeking God's truth in all that I do.

My relationship to the Lord Jesus Christ can be explained in this manner: Christ is Lord. Therefore I will follow him and serve him. The Lord tells us what our relationship with him should look like in Luke 9:23: "If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me" (NASB). I will continue to make this my life's goal as I seek to advance His Kingdom for His glory.


Blogger Vijay Swamidass said...

Congrats - Looks like you figured out how to expand the column width...You should add HTML programmer to your resume. :)

January 10, 2006 5:46 PM  
Blogger DrewDog said...

Well, I figured that bit out, but I'd really like to make three columns instead of two, and I couldn't figure that one out.

BTW, does this expanded version look ok on your screen?

January 10, 2006 5:59 PM  
Blogger Vijay Swamidass said...

Yep - looks good on both IE and Firefox.

You'll probably have 3 columns figured out before I can finish reading about egalitarianism.

January 12, 2006 6:15 PM  

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