Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Back to School

I was recently accepted into the Master's Degree program at Fuller Theological Seminary (which basically means that I have a B.A. and agreed to pay them obscene amounts of money), and I was planning on beginning my studies in the fall.

I've been getting a little antsy about finding out when I can register, which classes I can take, etc., so I decided to make a trip to the campus yesterday to get some answers. When I got there and met with my adviser, she informed me that the course requirements will be changing this fall, and that almost all of my electives will be eaten up with required courses in diversity and multiculturalism... unless I start taking classes this summer. So, in order to allow myself to take more classes of my choosing, I decided to sign up for a summer course.

Although I wasn't expecting to be jumping into all of this so soon, I'm excited. I'm going to be taking a course in Theology and Anthropology with none other than Professor Colin Brown. If you don't know who he is, I would encourage you to get these two books by him:

Should be fun!


Blogger Leeton Lawdoc said...

"Required courses in diversity and multiculturalism"?! No kidding? I don't blame you for enrolling early, then.

Sorry to have missed you guys this week. Go VBS!

June 17, 2007 4:20 PM  
Blogger Paul Johnson said...

Douglas Wilson talked about multicultural diversity at the teacher training seminar in idaho. He said the reason we study western civilizations (dead white guys) is because, in the story of Gods revelation of Himself, they were next in line after the hebrew. When Christ as the center of education is thrown out, or dethroned, then there is no longer any need to study western civilization. there is just a bunch of fragmented cultures that each require validation based on their unique existence, and it is very special and cute; but it doesn't mean anything... sorry for the excursion.

July 15, 2007 4:54 PM  
Blogger Leeton Lawdoc said...

I hope Miriel will get every opportunity to grow up at least tetra-cultural. There is nothing magical about western civilization apart from its Christian moorings, but isn't "there is no longer any need to study western civilization... but it doesn't mean anything" a bit extreme, though? Is there truly nothing to learn? Even if Christ is not the "center of education," we still can (and do) learn from various cultures anyway.

The point seems to be that, in the study of civilizations, how and why one studies (e.g. with Christ as the center of education) matters as much as the subject of study (e.g. your culture or someone else's).

July 18, 2007 10:32 PM  
Blogger erica said...

Is Kassandra going to come out already so that you'll post something new on your blog?!

Creepy... just as I was about to hit the publish button, the phone in Amber's office rang and it said "Andrew Richardson."

July 24, 2007 11:59 AM  
Blogger erica said...

Just to clarify, it didn't actually say "Andrew Richardson." That would be creepy!

July 24, 2007 12:00 PM  
Blogger DrewDog said...

I hope she comes soon! We had a c-section scheduled for yesterday, but we decided to take our chances with a natural birth.

Why are you in Amber's office? I thought you lived in Petaluma!

We miss you guys.


July 24, 2007 12:13 PM  
Blogger DrewDog said...

By the way, I'm sure it actually read, "Andrew Richardso"

July 24, 2007 12:14 PM  

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