Pray for Her

My daughter, Karis, has been quite ill lately, and to be honest, I'm a little worried about her. She has had a fever of over 105 for the past three days now, and much of our time has been spent at Kaiser trying to get treatment. She has had two catheters, eight vials of blood drawn, a throat culture, spinal tap, two very painful antibiotic shots, and is currently getting a chest x-ray.
After all of this, the doctors still don't know what is going on, and my wife is struggling to keep her spirits up. We would appreciate your prayers at this time.
UPDATE- Thank you all for your prayers, emails, phone calls, etc. It is great to know that so many people are praying and thinking of our little one. It appears that Karis' health is improving. This morning her fever was considerably lower than it has been since Sunday night, and her doctor was pleased with her vitals and her demeanor. Bekah and I are relieved that she is in much less pain, and we are hoping that she makes a full recovery soon. We still have no idea what caused all this, but hopefully it was just a stubborn virus that is on its way out. I'll keep you posted.
Drew and Bekah,
Thanks for sharing about Karis. Heather and I will definitely be praying for her (and for you two) during this difficult time. I pray the x-rays will reveal information that will allow the doctors to make a proper and effective treatment. We love you guys.
-Jeff and family
I will be in prayer for her and you and your wife.
Me and my wife went thru something like that with our last child. She was about a month old and was running a high fever. The diagnosis was menegitis. She spent a few days in the hospital under observation. Now she is a healthy and precoscious 4, soon to be 5, year old.
Thanks, Jeff & mictar.
Your prayers are much appreciated; and I'm happy to report that our little Karis is getting better by the minute!
That is great to hear.
How are you and your wife doing? I remeber the stress me and my wife went thru.
Checking in from San Antonio. Still praying.
mictar: We are doing great now, and so is Karis; thanks for asking. What a joy our little daughter is to us.
BQ: Thanks for your prayers, my wife and I really appreciate it. I'm jealous; you're in beautiful San Antonio! What takes you to that great city?
"What takes you to that great city?"
You remember that conference next month I invited you to attend? This was a 24-hour dash down there to oversee a recording project.
In North SA (actually, Shavano Park, a comfy 'burb) there's a PCA church pastored by an old seminary friend. And another old buddy from college days is a ruling elder there as well.
Anyhoo, I recrited a very talented young Ph.D (musicology) in that congregation (he's their organist) to further recruit some male voices and to work up Psalm 15 to three Anglican chants in major keys, and Psalm 3 (a lament) in three Anglican chants in minor key. The recordings are of each part (alto, bass, 1st and 2nd tenor) solo and a capella, and a final recording of the entire psalm with all four parts going.
Later this summer, I'll post all these (MP3 files) on the net, so leader of new Men at Worship chapters can learn and practice Anglican chants in the privacy and convenience of their own digital caves.
The results look to exceed what I had hoped for. I've listened to Psalms chanted by mixed-sex choirs before, and they're hauntingly beautiful. But, an all-male chorus (such as what sung in Solomon's Temple) just about breaks your heart.
Sounds very interesting. I would love to get my hands on a copy!
Did I mention that I got my B.A. in Music Education, and was the Bass/Baritone soloist in our University Oratorio Choir? If you could ever use another voice for your recordings, let me know (wish I lived closer).
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