A worldview is the lense through which you view, interpret, and respond to, the world. Therefore, a Christian worldview is the lense which allows you to see that Christ is Lord of the world, and is reconciling it to Himself through His victory over sin and death. It is the lense which reveals that we ought to respond to the world by praying that His Kingdom will come on earth as it is in heaven, and by spreading this Kingdom though the fulfillment of the Great Commission. Since my worldview presupposes that Christ is the αρχη, I must come to the task of teaching with the foundational principle that anything and everything I teach holds together in Him. Any subject or fact that I teach must find its meaning and purpose in Him, and can only be properly understood in the light of His Lordship.
for in Him we live and move and exist, as even some of your own poets have said, 'For we also are His children.'
(Act 17:28 NASB)
In other words, I can teach something that can be properly understood outside the light of his lordship? Or are you just saying that all truth is God's truth (which is what I hope was what I was saying too)? Or am I missing your (Paul's) point altogether?
I am saying that all truth is God's truth. Sorry I wasn't clear, but this was affirmation of what you wrote.
Phew. I took this from an important document that I wrote, so I wanted to make sure it wasn't whack. Thanks.
no hay de que
So it's not whack, but it is crap. Darn.
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