It may be far, far more hassle than you're willing to put up with, but is there a baby modeling agency in your area? Those eyes could sell numberless tons of diapers, or a gazillion wet-wipes, or oceans of baby lotion.
BQ, You have won my wife's affection with your kind words.
My biased opinion is that you are right on the mark. And if you truly think that her looks are beautiful, you should see her demeanor. She is the most tender-hearted, joyful baby I have ever encountered. God has blessed me beyond measure.
I don't know that I'm so kind. I was blessed with four of the lil' darlins' myself. My biggest regret is not asking the Lord for more. So, when I see eyes like that, I just heave a big sigh, and thank the Lord for the ones I have.
Yes, you are blessed beyond measure, and you haven't really begun to learn how and why yet. What fun is comin' atcha!
Thanks Aaron, she loves and misses you all too.
She says Da-da and Ma-ma quite a lot, but I don't think it's totally on purpose. One thing is for sure though, she's happy all the time!
It may be far, far more hassle than you're willing to put up with, but is there a baby modeling agency in your area? Those eyes could sell numberless tons of diapers, or a gazillion wet-wipes, or oceans of baby lotion.
just a thot ...
You have won my wife's affection with your kind words.
My biased opinion is that you are right on the mark. And if you truly think that her looks are beautiful, you should see her demeanor. She is the most tender-hearted, joyful baby I have ever encountered. God has blessed me beyond measure.
I don't know that I'm so kind. I was blessed with four of the lil' darlins' myself. My biggest regret is not asking the Lord for more. So, when I see eyes like that, I just heave a big sigh, and thank the Lord for the ones I have.
Yes, you are blessed beyond measure, and you haven't really begun to learn how and why yet. What fun is comin' atcha!
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