Rent Diet Skoffers

I just finished reading The Davinci Code, and honestly, I can't see what all the hubbub is about! The "facts" contained in that book are things that most children should be able to easily refute; and yet I hear stories of people losing their faith after reading the book/seeing the movie. Well, all I can say is, we (evangelicals) have made this bed...
In one of the comment sections from an earlier post, Brother Quotidian remarked that "there is a strata of the populace with a settled and (probably) untouchable hostility toward Christianity, who rejoice exultantly over something like the DVC, because they suppose that FINALLY someone is debunking this hideous things called Christianity."
This was my response to BQ:
I think it's interesting that at the end of the novel, Brown betrays this group. His conclusion is not that we need to debunk any religion, but rather that it's good for people to have faith (which, by his definition, is believing a fabrication), so let them believe it. It helps them sleep at night, and makes them better people. Anything goes, it's true for them, and that's all that really matters. Different strokes for different folks.
It's simply incredible to see the whole story moving toward the protagonists finally proving the Church is wrong, and the Priory is right, and once they find the truth, they realize that truth is what you make of it. Good news, everybody's right (or wrong)! So let's not spoil their fun by exposing that they're wrong; that would be mean... and a powerplay... and very machiavellian...
Whatever. read more