Sunday, August 20, 2006

This Old House

Well, it has been a sad week for my family. As I mentioned in my last post, we sold our beloved house after living it it for three wonderful years. With my wife no longer working, it became increasingly difficult to make the mortgage payment, and so we made the tough decision to sell i and rent a condo.

It has been such a rewarding experience to put sweat and money into a 60 year-old house, and really make it our own. And it is sad to have to say goodbye to the house to which we came home from our honeymoon, spent our first Christmas and Easter, and brought our little Karis home from the hospital. What a blessing from God this old house has been to our family.
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Saturday, August 19, 2006

I'm back!

Well, it's been quite a while since I blogged last, and a lot has happened in my life that has kept me from pontificating here: I ran a week-long sports camp, put my house on the market and sold it, went to Yosemite for vacation, moved into a condo, and spent almost as much time in the car as I did in LA to visit Garret Craw, Jeff Meyers and Mark Horne.

I hope to finally settle back into more frequent posting here at blogical fallacy, so you can start checking back more often (if you have nothing better to do).

My wife and I managed to trek up Half Dome with my extended family while in Yosemite, and I have to say that was one of the coolest things I've ever experienced. Talk about an argument for the existence of God! Here are a couple of pics for you to enjoy.

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